
Larry Whittenburg – 2024 Player of the Year

Date1st2nd3rdConsolationConso 2nd
3-2-25Pete HolohanBruce DossettJim FeherJoel Levy
2-23-25Mark FlanneryForrest FaulkGerry TanseyLarry WhittenburgJon Litton
2-16-25Forrest FaulkJoe SylvesterEliot SpiroBruce DossettJim Feher
2-9-25Jim FeherJoel LevyBruce DossettGenna Cowan
2-2-25Larry WhittenburgJoel LevyAngela RuleEliot Spiro
1-26-25Larry WhittenburgJim FeherJoel LevyMichael Hirschfeld
1-19-25Forrest FaulkLarry WhittenburgMichael HirschfeldGenna Cowan
1-12-25Jim FeherJoel LevyEliot SpiroMike Hayden